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Catspit Screen Print Supply - Phoenix, Arizona
Catspit Screen Print Supply


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Our selection of screen printing aerosol products. Here you will find spray tack, web tack, flash spray tack, screen openers and more.

Spray adhesive mist - This is used for all knit fabrics that will not be flash cured on press. Any multi-color printing or jobs where you will print the design twice for any reason will require a pallet adhesive.

Spray adhesive flash mist - This is used for all knit fabrics that will be flash cured on press. Anytime you want to print a screen, flash and print again you will need this pallet adhesive.

Spay adhesive web tack - This is used for all fleeces including but not limited to hoodies, sweat pants, and sweatshirts. Again this product is intended for screen printing without using the flash cure on press.

Spray adhesive flash web tack - This is used for all fleeces including but not limited to hoodies, sweat pants, and sweatshirts. This product however is intended for screen printing when using the flash cure on press.

Screen opener - This is used to open bad stencil clogs on press. It may be aggressive on emulsions so make sure to test before you go all out. Excellent at removing ink stains, clogs, grease, and other blockages from mesh openings on and off press. A must have in any shop.

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