I’m doing everything to comply to government suggestions and regulations for reopening the storefront. The space is pretty small so right now only one person is allowed into the storefront at a time. Here are the guidelines we are asking everyone to follow in order to enter the storefront.
- Please do not come into the storefront if you have a fever.
- Please do not come into the storefront if you have had contact with someone who has had Covid 19 within the past 2 weeks.
- Please do not come into the storefront if you have a cough or lung illness.
- Please do not come into the storefront if you have a head cold or the sniffles.
- Please use your mask if you have one.
- Please use hand sanitizer before touching anything in the storefront.
- The restroom is NOT available at this time.
- Please take a paper towel to cough or sneeze into.
- Please keep your distance from Jonathan so he may serve you.
- Please do not unnecessarily touch anything in the storefront.
- You will be asked to use hand sanitizer again before any credit card processing.
**Please remember, you can use the PHXWILLCALL code on the ecommerce site to get the shipping fee removed for local pickup. I can have your order ready to pick up at the door if you like. Please call me to see about available stock before placing your order.
Best times for stopping by or picking up is after 10AM and before 4PM Monday through Friday
Screenprinting equipment and supplies:
Catspit Productions, LLC
Phoenix, Arizona
Setting new standards in old fashioned customer service. Catspit. Ranar. Seriously simple. TM
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